Carpe Diem. First fan tattoo?? ;)

Made with the Back Tattoo scene (insert your own photo) “Carpe Diem”

Nearly every native Marquesan has one or more tattoos.

2nd tattoo: Carpe diem, Quam minime credula postero means “Seize the day,

v3 Tattoo - Carpe Diem/Live Strong Ambigram With 'Carpe Diem' written across

wristcarpediemamor.jpg carpe diem love

A custom ambigram of the words "Carpe Diem", created for a tattoo design.

carpe diem: cara's tattoo pictures from friends & fun photos on webshots

Kelly's Memorial for a Best Friend / Carpe Diem | Body Tattoo - blog about

An Israeli soldier with a tattoo reading "Carpe Diem" stands in an army base

Light of this love. 4:30 a.m. Freehand Drunk Flowers. Carpe Diem

Light of this love. 4:30 a.m. Freehand Drunk Flowers. Carpe Diem

ditangan bertuliskan Carpe diem, Quam minime credula postero yang artinya

Nice tattoos!!! :) I have Carpe Diem on the back of my neck.

ChestPieces Tattoos. Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem Neck Tattoo: Shirt and Undershirt Layer

This is similar to the Latin saying Carpe Diem or seize the day.

Carpe Diem tattoo Style Women's T-Shirt - Carpe Diem Tattoo Heart - Thread

tribal sun tattoo photos submitted to RankMyTattoos.com … the top copper
boring like "Carpe Diem" on my forearm! unique tattoo designs for mens