*you aredavey havok* You are a depressed angsty poet. (not that thats a

davey havok's tattoos

Mod The Sims - Davey Havok from AFI

Davey Havok Tattoos

Remember when Davey Havok was just another punk kid singing for AFI?

Tim and Davey Havok. I'll have another picture later in the post where they

At least he is still covered in tattoos and has the lip ring ;)

Davey Havok Who Looks Better with Tattoos?

AFI's Hunter Burgan's Bandmate, Davey Havok, Interviewed - Part II

DAVEY HAVOK If being punk means defying the norm, then AFI are still firmly

Davey Havok (singer of AFI), X'ed praying zombie hands. Share this:

Ellen the July 19, 2010 07:39:26 | See Conversation

Hunter Burgan and Davey Havok Interviewed At Toronto's Edgefest

Davey Havok Tattoos

Davey Havok

Davey Havok portrait by ~Riverd on deviantART

Davey Havok. killingxxlights Jun 27, 2008. he looks like a little kid ^.^

and Davey Havok (AFI)) and Javey (Jade Puget and Davey Havok of AFI).

DBTV: Davey Havok of AFI (part 3)

Davey Havok Tattoo Spoof by *rcsi1 on deviantART